Practice Start-up

MMA's practice start-up services includes a broad range of services to support the operations team or provide a turn-key solution. We will structure the services and relationship any way you desire.
- Planning sessions insure the focus necessary to get a new start up project under way.
- Preparation of capital and operating budgets for the new practice (including leasehold improvements, furniture and equipment, marketing, supplies, professional fees and working capital), preparation of twenty-four (24) month projected cash flow statement with related analysis of projected revenue and expenses.
- Preparation of a comprehensive loan request (including summary of business plan and financial projections for the practice and personal/financial data), meeting with up to three banks to present loan package, negotiation of terms and review of loan documents. Banks have become increasingly conservative in terms of providing financing for “start-up” medical practices. Therefore, obtaining suitable financing will depend in large part on the strength of your practice opportunity, as well as your personal financial statement. Please understand that MMA can in no way guarantee your ability to obtain financing for the start-up.
- Development of an initial staffing plan, recommended staff salary and fringe benefit levels and Personnel Policy Manual.
- Preparation of OSHA Compliance Manual (including Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan, Hazard Communications Plan and TB Exposure Prevention Plan), presentation to you and your staff in OSHA mandated training session.
- Development of HIPAA compliance manual, key HIPAA forms/disclosures and related educational session for staff.
- Completion, submission and follow-up of applications to managed care plans, Medicare and Medicaid and related advice regarding managed care strategy.
- Consultation regarding computer system requirements for billing and patient scheduling, preparation of request for proposal from pre-qualified list of vendors, coordination of demonstration of two to three systems, evaluation of proposals, negotiation of purchase and service contracts and follow-up with vendor and practice manager during the implementation process.
- Consultation regarding EMR requirements, preparation of request for proposal from pre-qualified list of vendors, coordination of demonstration of two to three systems, evaluation of proposals, negotiation of purchase and service contracts and follow-up with vendor and practice manager during the implementation process.
- Review of major items of furniture and equipment including telephone system and internet Services and options for discounted pricing.
- Preparation of recommended fee schedules for all E&M codes and other high volume services.
- Consultation on marketing strategies.
- Preparation of Business Procedure Manual, including operational and personnel forms you will need for the practice. Review of business procedures with you and your manager.
- We offer full service web site development including design, search engine optimization, web hosting and maintenance.
- Our recruitment services include development of advertisement, review of candidates, telephone interviews, coordination of face to face interviews, background checks and preparation of offer letter.
- We offer real estate services through our affiliate, Medical Management Real Estate Services, Inc. that includes leasing and building development; identifying office space, lease negotiations, office relocation or expansion, site selection and managing the development process. In addition, we design office space, manage the big process and provide construction management services.
- We offer a comprehensive Billing Compliance Program and can assist in implementing the program.
- We offer CPT Coding training on evaluation and management codes.