Hot Topic Meetings

Venetia M. Roy, CPC, CMPE
Senior Associate
Often the communication in mid-sized to large practices is limited, one-sided or lacking altogether. Impress upon the managers the importance of consistently holding short meetings (weekly, twice monthly or monthly) with the typical revenue cycle staff (front office and business office). Make the meeting mandatory on a certain day and time and require no more than 30 minutes.
- Keep a running agenda on a shared drive.
- Encourage staff to review and add topics between meetings.
- Have someone record the resolution or pended status for each topic and save for the next meeting's agenda, while retaining a copy of the decisions and plans.
- Have each staff member spend about one minute talking about hot topics for them that week, whether or not they think it is relevant to other staff members. It may be very relevant, or they may learn that someone else already has a solution.
- Never let the meetings run over 30 minutes. Topics should be prioritized and pended as needed. Comments should be brief and specific.
- Some practices do a daily "pow-wow" or "take 5" for a quick team meeting. Examples might be: "Remember UHC has a new plan effective today requiring a higher copay", or "Remember patient John Doe is coming in today and has a high past-due balance".
If you have questions on staff meetings, staff management or other operational issues, call Venetia Roy at 770-951-8427 or e-mail